Chophouse Press


I have decided to try something new. Instead of agonizing over the writing ideas I have, I will post them here in a blog of sorts. I have so many ideas. I can’t possibly write a novel on each of them. Maybe that can happen one day. For now, I just need a creative outlet. There’s really no theme and most of the stuff will probably have a small audience. But at least I am sharing and hopefully getting better. Writing is a craft that has to be developed. Thank you for coming. Maybe we can enjoy my terrible writing together.

Neptune Available on Amazon !

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The Doors

I stared up at the towering stone spire. The wind whipped snow in my face. I can’t remember a time when Mia’s room was this stricken with such weather. There was a sinister air hangin over the place. Ever since the tremors started and Mia disappeared, I have been afraid to step foot in here.…

Neptune Sequel

I finished National Novel Writing Month (NanoWriMo) by writing a sequel to Neptune. I think the tagline will be “The Old Blood Sings. The Cycle Ends.” The draft is currently sitting at 50k words and I have got a lot of gaps and loose ends to fill in. It should come in at a substantial…

Neptune Published Now

After procrastinating for years, I released Neptune. You can get it on Amazon right now in ebook and paperback. Thanks to anyone who supports my crap fiction. Amazon Link

Update: Rewrite Progress and Disappointment

I’ve gone kind of dark since I bragged that I made it to 10 posts. My rhythm dwindled pretty significantly. However, there’s been some progress. I did start rewriting The Vault. But, I am not going to post it here. I’ve had mostly zero views for awhile, so this is more of a declaration to…


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